Sunday, 25 January 2015

Thai Green Fish Curry

My Beautiful, Authentic Thai Green Fish Curry

Thai food is my absolute favourite cuisine and to the untrained Fodmaper it seems a like a fate worse than death to miss out on this scrumptious little number.
That is where you are wrong.

Thai Green Curry Paste is VERY easy to make and also very quick to do so.
Here's how!

  • 5 Birdseye Green Chillies (I added 9, and it was brilliantly spicy, but I'm half indian so I can do heat, 5 is probably a safer number!)
  • 1 Bunch of Coriander(Cilantro) Leave half of the leaf part for later.
  • Thumb sized piece of ginger
  • 1/2 tsp of shrimp paste (I found this in my local supermarket)
  • 5 Spring Onions (scallions) from a bunch - Green Bits only
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • peel of 1/4 of a lime
  • 1 stalk of lemon grass (flatten with a large knife then chop)
  • 7 Dried Kaffir Lime Leaves
  • 5 Tbsp Garlic Oil

Blend all these ingredients in the blender until smoooooooth. In a warm pan, add your paste. You wont need any oil because your paste already has some in. Cook the spice paste for 2-3 minutes. 

For the rest of the curry:
  • 2 Green Peppers cut into bitesized chunks
  • Cucumber sliced into 1/2cm slices
  • Spring onion (scallion tops) use the rest of your bunch - again green bits only sliced into 1cm pieces
  • 1/2 to 1 tin of Coconut Milk (try it at half a can first to see if you can handle the heat, if not add more) If you don't have this, you can use a combination of coconut cream/oil and regular LF milk, I had to do this because I forgot the tin of Coconut Milk but it turned out fine!
  • 3 kaffir lime leaves
  • 400g-500g 14-18oz White Fish don't cut these too small or they'll flake apart into nothingness and 200g-250g/7-9oz  Raw King Prawns(Shrimp)
  • Coriander/cilantro leaves from earlier

Add your green peppers to the paste, and any other hard veg if using, and again let cook in the paste for 2-3 minutes until slightly softened. Add your coconut milk here, and stir until you have a sauce. As mentioned, taste your curry to see if you can tolerate the heat, if not add more beautifully creamy coconut milk Add in the Kaffir lime leaves. Bring this to a medium heat until it starts to bubble, add in your fish, cucumber and spring onions/scallions. Cook for 2-3 minutes then drop in your Prawns/Shrimp, move these around every couple of minutes to help them cook. Of course you could just add more veg if you fancy a veggie option. I used Cod and King Prawns, but you could add thinly sliced chicken or beef strips etc and just make sure you account for the extra cooking time. If you slice them nice and fine, you'll find that they cook quickly and retain their moisture.
Once the plump prawns have turned pink, stir in the remaining coriander/cilantro, check the final seasoning (I had to add a touch more salt just to make sure it was really hitting its full flavour potential and optionally add a touch of lime juice if you like it a bit more fragrant), the dish is ready to be served with a steaming pile of fluffy or sticky rice, or rice noodles.

I am so very happy with this recipe and I hope you will be to.

Over and Out

Sabina, x

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