Friday, 23 January 2015

Smoothie, Day 1

The other day, after realising I had been neglecting my veggies, I got myself online and ordered an on the go smoothie maker and stocked up on some great locally sourced fruit and veg. I chopped peeled and concocted lots of different combinations, bagged them up and froze them in individual portions so that every morning, I could pop a bag out of the freezer, add the liquid and blitz away before trotting off to work. My prepacked stuff looked a little like this:

So today I had my first greenie smoothie. But seriously, that thing was green.
Here's the video to show you how easy it was to make:

So that part of it was plain sailing, and yes, I did get some funny looks, but it actually tasted far better than I think even I was expecting (although, you do have to get used to it and I imagine some people would like to add some sugar/maple syrup to sweeten it slightly).
I maybe should have gone with something a little less adventurous (and by that I mean a little less green) as my first one, but I'm not put off. Tomorrow will be something with more fruit though!

After having had it, I felt incredibly quenched and after about an hour, I felt really good and perky! The downside was, because of the enormous water content, I felt very, very hungry not long after.

I haven't figured out how to fix this issue with the green ones yet, except have something along side it, such as GF toast, or a yogurt, but in my mind that defeats the object of what I was trying to achieve.

However, for some of the more normal fruit combinations here are some ideas

  • Strawberry, Banana, LF milk and GF oats
  • Strawberry, Blueberry, LF yogurt, LF milk and GF oats
  • Blueberry, Banana and LF milk
  • Banana, Peanut Butter and LF milk
  • Banana, Maple Syrup, Vanilla and LF milk
  • Orange, Ginger, Lime and Coconut Milk
  • Pineapple, Ginger and Kale and Coconut Milk
  • Spinach, Blueberries and Almond Milk
  • Raspberry, Maple Syrup and LF milk
  • Strawberries, Maple Syrup, GF oats and LF milk

A few to get you going. I've not put amounts on there, but go steady with the amount of fruit, you can over do it, and we each have our own tolerances to work against as well so just try and balance them in a way that means you're having about 1/2 portions of fruit, depending on what else you're planning to eat that day. See below for what the Monash Universiry say on what constitutes a portion. 

Remember you can experiment with different herbs, like mint and basil, and don't be shy of cinnamon either. Please share your smoothie recipes and experiences!

Over and Out,

Sabina. x

References - The Monash University 

Download available via the app stores on your device.

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